Helene performing a veildance previously taught at Studio Orient.
Helene performing a mejance (an entrance piece) in Germany.
A majence is different than a classic and a Turkish oriental.
Helene performing an Egyptian shaabi in Crete.
Shaabi is not the same as Mahraganat. The music is Egyptian popmusic, traditionally belonging to the working class.
Helene performing a selfcomposed tablasolo together with Safaa Al-Saadi and the student group Dum Tek Orient.
Drumsolos are basically a song based solely on percussion instruments, with lots of isolation moves!
Helene performing a Turkish Roman havasichoreography i Tyskland.
This style has a characteristic 9/8-rhythm, fun footwork and lots of gestures!
Helene performing a Turkish oryantal in Istanbul.
Turkish oryantal is different than majence and Egyptian oriental both in style and music.
Helene performing a saidi choreography taught at Studio Orient in the intermediate/advances level.
Saidi can be performed with or without a cane (or with more canes than one!)
Helene performing a double veil dance.
Veil can be used solely for an entrance or in a whole performance using more tricks and complicated transitions.
See more videos on our YouTube channel :)
Studio Orient feier 20 år i egne lokaler med workshops og jubileumsforestilling!